
본문 바로가기

    • 1단계 Step 1

      하나님의 VIP (4주)

      God's VIP (4 weeks)

      하나님의 VIP는 새가족을 위한 양육과정으로 기독교의 기본신앙과 타코마제일 침례교회에 대해서 배우며, 타코마제일침례교회의 정회원이 되기 위한 필수과정입니다.

      God's VIP is a discipleship course designed for new believers, where they learn about the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and Tacoma First Baptist Church. It is a required course for those who want to become official members of Tacoma First Baptist Church.

    • 2단계 Step 2

      제자훈련 (12주)

      Discipleship Training (12 weeks)

      제자훈련은 일대일 제자훈련 과정으로 하나님의 말씀을 깊이 있게 배우고 연구하는 양육과정입니다.

      Discipleship Training is a one-on-one discipleship program that focuses on deepening the understanding and study of God's Word. It is a discipleship course where individuals learn and research the Word of God in depth.

    • 3단계 tep 3

      리더십훈련 (5주)

      Leadership Training (5 weeks)

      리더십훈련은 타코마제일침례교회의 직분자로 세워지기 위해서 이수해야 하는 과정 이며, 성경적인 리더십이 무엇인지를 집중적으로 배우는 과정입니다

      Leadership Training is a course that must be completed in order to be established as a leader within Tacoma First Baptist Church. It is a focused program where individuals learn what biblical leadership entails and study it in depth.

    • 4단계 Step 4

      목자훈련 (5주)

      Shepherd Training (5 weeks)

      목자훈련은 타코마제일침례교회의 목자로 세워지기 위한 필수 과정이며, 성경적인 원 리 안에서 목장을 이끌고 가족원들을 섬기는 실질적은 방법을 배우는 양육과정입니다.

      Shepherd Training is an essential course for those aspiring to be leaders of house church within Tacoma First Baptist Church. It is a discipleship program where individuals learn practical methods for leading a congregation and serving the church family within biblical principles.